هذه الدورة تمكن الممارس الصحي من فهم أساسيات و التطبيقات العملية لمرضى الشلل الدماغي.
- Objectives:
By the end of this lecture the audience will be able to:
o Describe the incidence, etiology, and classification of cerebral palsy (CP).
o Describe the clinical manifestations and associated deficits seen in children with CP throughout the lifespan.
o Discuss the physical therapy management of children with CP throughout the lifespan.
o Discuss the medical and surgical management of children with CP.
o Discuss the importance of activity and participation throughout the lifespan of a child with CP.
ميمونة نعساني
ايلاف بيشي محمد حكمي
فهد الرويلي
Lamia Almasloukh
لولو المطيويع
نهلة حسن أبوشرحة